سرزمین پاکی

سرزمین نیکی و مهربانی

سرزمین پاکی

سرزمین نیکی و مهربانی

الف، انسانیت

چندی بود که در نظر داشتم در ارتباط با ماجرای اظهارنظر یکی از نویسندگان سینما، مطلبی در ارتباط با حجاب بنویسم، شاید کمی تحقیق، تحلیل و سابقه علمی و عملی و تفکر در ارتباط با حد و حدود مذهبی و غیر مذهبی این موضوع لازم هست اما در این فاصله از عزیزی E-mail رو دریافت کردم که بد ندیدم با دوستان در دیدن و فکر کردن راجع بهش مشترک بشم.

شاید همه ما از مشکلات فرهنگی و انسانی در کشور خود مینالیم. اما دیریست "انسانیت" در جای جای کره خاکی ما رنگی دیگر و تعریف دیگری دارد ... فکر کنیم ...

لطفاً به منتخب عکس های گرفته شده، فاصله سالهای 2000 الی 2009 توجه کنید. با عرض پوزش از عکاسان این عکس ها که نتونستم نامشون رو پیدا کنم و به عنوان منبع معرفی کنم (ضمناً چند عکس هم ناخوشایند هست و ممکن هست دیدنش برای برخی مناسب نباشه):

2000: The battle for Elian Gonzalez
A Border Patrol agent confronts Donato Dalrymple, holding 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez inside a bedroom closet at the home of the Cuban boy’s Miami relatives on April 22. Elian had been found clinging to an inner tube off the south Florida coast, sparking a high-profile custody battle between his relatives in Miami and his father in Cuba. The boy was seized in the raid and eventually returned to his father.

2002: Air show disaster
An SU-27 fighter crashes into a crowd July 27 at an air show in Lviv, Ukraine, killing 83 people. Prosecutors blamed pilot error and poor planning, saying organizers should not have allowed stunts over spectators.

2002: Afghanistan's scars
Mohboba, 7, with ointment applied to her face for a skin ailment called leishmaniasis, stands against a bullet-pocked wall waiting to be treated at a health clinic March 1 in Kabul, Afghanistan. The parasitic disease plagues many poverty-stricken children in Afghanistan.

2003: Nuns get first taste of snow
Sister Rosa Elena, right, hits Sister Amanda de Jesus with a snowball after class Jan. 22 at Mount St. Michael's Seminary in Spokane, Wash. The two nuns, visiting from Mexico, said it was the first time they had ever seen snow.

2003: Struggling to prevent suicide
California Highway Patrol officers try to rescue Jorge Dominguez, who was threatening to kill himself March 1 at the interchange between State Route 55 and I-405 in Orange County. The officers lost their grip when the 32-year-old Tustin man pushed off with his free leg, and he fell about 60 feet. He suffered extensive injuries but survived.

2003: Iraqis mourn deaths in family
An Iraqi family mourns the death of three relatives in Baghdad, Iraq, on April 10. The three -- a father, his teenage son and another male relative -- were shot and killed by U.S. Marines the night before after the car they were driving allegedly did not stop while passing a building occupied by the Marines.

2003: Cold zoo, warm meerkat
A meerkat warms itself under a heat lamp July 3 at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia, where unseasonably cold weather led zookeepers to give the sun a helping hand.

2004: Terrorist attack in Madrid
Victims sit on the tracks just outside Madrid's Atocha station as they are tended by rescue workers after deadly explosions March 11. Ten nearly simultaneous blasts killed 182 people on packed Madrid commuter trains. Investigators found the attacks were directed by an al-Qaida-inspired terrorist cell.

2004: Terrorist attack at Russian school
A boy cries after he and other hostages were freed Sept. 3 by special forces from a school in Beslan, southern Russia, after a three-day siege by terrorists ended with more than 330 people dead.

2005: Daughter reacts after dad killed in Iraq
One of two daughters of Jalil Shaalan, a school security guard, reacts after her father was shot down in front of them outside the school by unknown gunmen. The incident happened in the Amarayah district of Baghdad on July 21.

2006: Brazil prison crisis
Prisoners hold one guard hostage with a knife at his throat as two others lie bound on the floor at the Campo Mourao prison in Parana, Brazil, on May 15. Deadly gang violence in the streets of Sao Paulo was mirrored in the Brazilian prison system.

2007: Croc bites off veterinarian's arm
A crocodile clutches the lower left arm of veterinarian Chang Po-yu at the Shoushan Zoo in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on April 11. The croc bit Chang's arm off when he tried to remove a tranquilizer dart. Two bullets were fired at the croc, but it was unharmed. The arm was reattached.

2007: Mourning slain soldier-fiancé
Mary McHugh visits the grave of her fiancé, Sgt. James Regan, in Section 60, the newest portion of Arlington National Cemetery, outside Washington, D.C., on May 27. Regan, a U.S. Army Ranger, was killed by an improvised explosive device in Iraq in February.

2007: Air show collision in Poland
Two planes from the Zelazny aerobatics team collide during a performance at an air show in Radom, Poland, on Sept. 1 as a third plane in the maneuver, left, passes by unscathed. Both pilots in the collision died, but there were no injuries reported in the crowd.

2008: Family mourns after China quake
Relatives cry next to the body of a student near a school in Hanwang Town, Mianzhu County, Sichuan province, on May 14. China faced a daunting rebuilding task to replace millions of homes, schools and businesses destroyed by the May 12 earthquake, which killed more than 68,000 people.

A Georgian man holds the body of a relative after a Russian warplane dropped a bomb on an apartment block in Gori, 50 miles from Tbilisi, on Aug. 9. At least five people were killed. In August, Georgia and Russia fought a short war over the region known as South Ossetia.

Residents of an apartment building throw 9-month-old Onur Celar from a fourth-floor window to rescuers below Feb. 3 in Ludwigshafen, Germany. A fire started on the first floor, trapping residents above, but a policeman safely caught the girl. The fire killed nine people and injured 28.

2009: Protesting Iranian election
Hundreds of thousands of supporters of leading opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi turn out to protest the result of Iran's presidential election at a rally in Azadi Square in Tehran on June 15. Days of massive demonstrations and sometimes violent crackdowns by government forces followed the declaration that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been re-elected.

2009: Battling in boxer shorts
Soldiers from the U.S. Army First Battalion, 26th Infantry take a defensive position at firebase Restrepo after taking fire from Taliban positions in the Korengal Valley of Afghanistan's Kunar Province on May 11. Spc. Zachery Boyd of Fort Worth, Texas, left, manned his post in "I love NY" boxer shorts and flip-flops after rushing from his sleeping quarters. To Boyd's right are Spc. Jordan Custer of Spokane, Wash., and Spc. Cecil Montgomery of Many, La.

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الهام پنج‌شنبه 29 دی‌ماه سال 1390 ساعت 18:52 http://hajibandeh.blogfa.com

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